Remember the February 2014 Trudeau Liberal Convention speech which eluded to the failure of neoliberal “trickle down” global economics as begun by Reagan and Thatcher and which has continued since? Of course you don’t. Mr. Trudeau, what you eluded to and did not name is not just a failure: it was a blatant lie to begin with and has resulted in the accumulation of wealth in fewer and fewer hands: the extremely wealthy, call them oligarchs, plutocrats or whatever. What Trudeau and Morneau propose is not tax reform and will not address the fundamental problem of fat cat hoarding in neoliberal economics. It will just be an opportunistic tax grab which creates a scapegoat out of the relatively wealthier in the middle class: small entrepreneurs, doctors, lawyers, farmers etc. and turn people against each other. The government as a parasitic business finds a way to profit or tax at the expense of one group while the real perennial crooks and boondogglers continue to hoard. Cripes, the Liberals would pass a law to make beards mandatory so they could put a tax on beards. And Trudeau and Morneau are compromised by their privilege and connection to the plutocrats/oligarchs which hold and hoard most of the country’s wealth.