Some people don’t like when you call a spade a spade, as recently *reported* when Trump called third-world shitholes third-world shitholes.  It’s unclear how this is newsworthy, since Trump’s forthright—at times loud-mouthed and obnoxious—style is part of the reason he was elected.  Style weighs more heavily than substance with the MSM.  Think Obama and Trudeau.

Leanne Manas, anchor with the South African Broadcasting Corporation tweeted “Good morning from the greatest most beautiful ‘shithole country’ in the world!!!”  Someone should point out to Ms Manas that South Africa now has the 8th highest murder rate in the world.  I also have no doubt that like most whites in South Africa, the hypocritical Ms Manas’ home is a virtual fortress in a high-end, gated community, where ‘unruly’ blacks are unwelcome, save as live-in servants.

It’s the same hypocrisy of the politicians, who live in gated communities and have armed body guards.  The elites don’t have to brush shoulders with these folks, but we little people do.  Just ask Kate Steinle.  Oh right, you can’t.

Apparently there’s something wrong with merit-based immigration now.  It’s somehow racist.  The same sorts who are now crapping all over Confederate generals and Sir John A. Macdonald will soon enough be crapping all over John F. Kennedy for saying “ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.”

Immigrants should stay home and fix the problems in their own countries, rather than emigrate and export their problems elsewhere.  One has only to look at Western Europe to see what mass-immigration from third-world shitholes brings.  It ain’t pretty.  No one ever moves to these third-world shitholes.  I wonder why?

Ultimately, compassion is a weakness, but in this case Democrats just want more voters and Republicans want cheap labour.