Surprise, surprise.  Most Ontarians support the Liberals minimum wage hike.  Again, I quote the brilliant American economist Thomas Sowell:

One of the simplest and most fundamental economic principles is that people tend to buy more when the price is lower and less when the price is higher. Yet advocates of minimum wage laws seem to think that the government can raise the price of labor without reducing the amount of labor that will be hired.

Most Ontarians do not understand simple economic principles, which is why they have repeatedly voted for the Liberals over the last 15 years.  As I’ve written previously, McGuinty and Wynne’s policies have turned the once mighty Ontario into a have-not province, with the highest sub-prime debt in the world.

Not to worry.  Ontario’s bloated, cash-for-life, unionized public sector (read parasitic class) and its economic illiterates will no doubt re-elect Wynne and her Liberals to continue killing this once great province.  And it really doesn’t matter if Patrick Brown gets in anyway, because like former Alberta ‘conservative’ leader, Alison Redford , he really is a Liberal under the PC banner:

  • He flip-flopped and supported a carbon tax / carbon pricing;
  • He flip-flopped and supported Kathleen Wynne’s sex-ed curriculum;
  • He’s allowed a failed McGuinty Liberal nomination candidate to be hired at PC Party Headquarters (Costas Manios);
  • He’s allowed several candidates with past Liberal affiliations or world-views to run as conservative candidates;
  • He supports a $15/hour minimum wage;
  • He supported and whipped the vote for the provincial Islamophobia motion;
  • He supported and whipped the vote on removing the family roles of “father” and “mother” from all provincial legislation;
  • He supported and whipped the first vote on the Liberal Bill 89 allowing CAS to take kids away from families with traditional family values;
  • He has marched in several unnecessarily lewd gay pride parades while, simultaneously, spending six months publicly smearing many respected social-conservatives within the Party;
  • He’s over-looked clear incidents of ballot box stuffing;
  • He flip-flopped and appointed all 64 candidates up to that point on June 3rd instead of allowing the Party to judiciously adjudicate several legitimate appeals;
  • He has shown that he’s still willing to appoint candidates; and
  • He has shown little respect for all of these local or other concerns being raised and reaching a breaking point.

In short, Ontari-owians and their future generations are screwed.