Dynasties are part and parcel of the political landscape in many third-world shitholes: the Duvaliers in Haiti, the Kims in North Korea, the Sauds of Saudi Arabia, the Perons in Argentina, the Castro brothers in Cuba, and the Marcos and Aquino families in the Philippines.  The list goes on.  One tends to associate dynasties with dictatorships, not with democracies.  However, we’ve certainly had our share of political dynasties in Canada and the US: Turdeaus, Kennedys, Bushes, Roosevelts, and Adamses.

Back in the day, one of the reasons European folks emigrated to North America was to get away from oppressive political dynasties, which were justified by the divine right of kings.  It is strange, then, that we run back to what we ran away from.  Perhaps not.

In Canaduh, we have Justin Trudeau.  Alas, Junior was endowed with his mother’s looks and brains.  Not that his father, Pierre, was any great shakes, as the sheepish Canadian MSM tries to convince us.  Pierre was a dilettante at best, a divisive and petty dictator at worst.  But that’s another story.  Not to insult tubers, but Junior—aka le Dauphin—pretty much has the IQ of a turnip—or perhaps a little potato.  He has lisped bizarre statements such as “And the budget will balance itself” and “We have to rethink elements as basic and space and time”.  You can’t make this stuff up.  Sock boy’s first two years in power have been a disaster nationally and an embarrassment internationally.

Ontari-owe PC leader Patrick Brown was judgemoored last week.  He’s kaput.  Now Caroline Mulroney, a lawyer [insert lawyer joke here] and daughter of former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, is being touted for leader of the party, as though something in her very DNA qualifies her.  Why, even her sister-in-law, Jessica, a stylist and designer married to Ben of etalk infamy, has said “I think my sister-in-law Caroline Mulroney would be an amazing Premier”.  It’s good that Jessica is a stylist and designer because people are shallow: looks are important in politics.  I’m not sure Caroline is prettier than the Hair Lisp, but given that I’m a heterosexual male, I don’t believe I’m qualified to judge.

caroline mulroney

However, I can say that she is infinitely better-looking than Kathleen Wynne.  Then again, so is a horse’s arse.

Politics.  The mind boggles.