Evidently Canadians didn’t pay attention to the McGuinty/Wynne/Butts disaster in Ontari-owe, so they voted in PM socks, who took Butts to Ottawa with him to impose their disastrous policies on the whole country.   Liberals must continually laugh at how stupid Canadians are, else why would folks keep voting them in?  Speaking of Butts, Liberals yell “BOHICA” and Canadians seemingly swoon.

Sir John A. McDonald, the man who did more than anyone to help create this country—and who is now under attack by the usual malcontents—purportedly said that ‘a Liberal is a socialist in a top hat’.  True to their socialist creed, Liberals strive for equality of outcome, because Lord knows, equality of opportunity just ain’t cuttin’ it.  Which bring us to their continued attack on small businesses—the economic engine of the country.  Liberals never saw a tax they didn’t like.   If a business is successful in Canada, it must be punished.  Don’t try to help underachievers achieve: punish the successful and bring everyone down to the lowest common denominator.  The Liberals are now going to steal more money from businesses in the name of “fairness”.  Cripes.  None of these new rules apply to the uber-rich, however, including the Hair Lisp and Willie Porno, the trust fund lads.  And, of course, nary a thought for the “fairness” of the generous salaries, indexed pensions and health care plans of the public sector—that is, the parasitic class—that folks in the private sector have to pay for.

Here’s an article on Turdeau’s anti-business stance, although clearly it doesn’t apply to Bombardier.  Writer, Allan Lanthier, calls the latest Liberal tax grab confiscatory.  Time for some torches and pitchforks.

With both its rhetoric and its legislative initiatives, the government seems intent on driving business investment and jobs out of Canada.

Speaking in Davos at the World Economic Forum in January, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau continued his anti-business mantra. He stated that “too many corporations have put the pursuit of profit before the well-being of their workers,” and that “companies avoid taxes and boast record profits with one hand, while slashing benefits with the other.” With both its rhetoric and its legislative initiatives, the government seems intent on driving business investment and jobs out of Canada.