No wonder.  The NHS is one of the biggest employers in the world.  In 2012, it was just behind China’s People’s Liberation Army and Indian Railways.  Compare the population of Britain to those two countries and you have the answer: it’s a bloated bureaucracy with cash-for-life parasites running it.  Who has money for actual health care?

Government is, by definition, bad at running things. But if a country’s government decides it’s going to provide health care, and if the people want it to, have at it. Good luck. But in order to give publicly run health care even a chance to work, the government must ensure that the resources will be there. And in order to ensure that, it must take certain steps. For one thing, it must curtail immigration by people who will burden the welfare system. It must stop pouring cash down the foreign-aid rathole. And so on. The list of things that need to be done is pretty obvious.

But Britain hasn’t done any of these things. In the future, accordingly, its welfare rolls are destined to swell — and the NHS is destined to become increasingly overburdened. Queues will grow even longer; rationing will become more severe; British subjects will find themselves being denied care because of their advanced age, their excessive weight, their smoking or drinking habits — or their lack of connections.

Meanwhile in Ontari-owe (the world’s most indebted sub-sovereign borrower).


How cool is that?  Uh, gee, I wonder who pays for that?