Patrick Brown was judgemoored several weeks back. He is now fighting back.  Akin to Alison Redford, Brown is CINO.  Nevertheless, no one deserves to be pilloried on accusations alone, which is why we have the rule of law.

Brown has encouraged his accusers to follow that path: “If you truly stand by your allegations, then I urge you to contact Barrie Police and have them lay charges … These types of allegations should be dealt with in a proper and fair forum.”

However, the lawyer of the woman who has since changed her story, says Brown is trying to “dictate to a survivor what her healing path should be.”  As well as, “By daring my client to go to the police, Mr. Brown destroys the credibility of his self-proclaimed support for women who have suffered sexual mistreatment.”

Wow.  A man’s life and career have been destroyed and this fluff is the best the lawyer can come up with?  Brown should sue CTV and his accusers’ asses off.

It’ll be interesting to see who was behind this when the whole truth of the matter comes out, if, indeed, it ever does.
