Imported problems on Bevrijdingsdag (Liberation Day) in The Netherlands.  My father fought in Holland near the end of the war.  No doubt with all the crap going on in Europe, he’s getting dizzy spinning in his grave.

Friday was Liberation Day in The Netherlands. The Dutch celebrated their liberation from German occupation in World War Two. A “disturbed” man thought it would be a good idea to celebrate it by slashing throats. Nothing to worry about, folks. He’s not a jihadi, but merely a disturbed person. From Syria. Where he fought for ISIS. Who’s here on refugee status. No idea about the injuries of the victims, as no media thought to write about them. None. Not important — the disturbed man is the Real Victim©; the victims provoked him (by being alive and non-mohammedan). The police had to shoot and taser (in which order they did that I don’t know) this friendly man before they could subdue him.