Many voters in Ontari-owe are not old enough to remember Bob Rae’s disastrous government and “Rae Days.”  Many others are newcomers.  Rae was aptly named Buffalo Bob because the mayor of neighbouring Buffalo, New York wanted to give him the keys to the city, since Rae drove so many jobs Buffalo’s way.  A recent poll suggested that Torontonians don’t like Kathleen Wynne anymore, but they are enamoured with her promises of “free” stuff.  Enter Andrea Horwath.

There’s virtually no difference in this election campaign between NDP and Liberal economic policy and plans.

Andrea Horwath and Kathleen Wynne are not only ideological cousins, they both share the same unrealistic tax and deficit spending plan that has and will continue to make life unaffordable for ordinary people in Ontario.

They want to win the election, and are willing to promise the moon to voters regardless of whether their promises make sense.

But both are making a sucker’s pitch – that the road to more jobs and a more affordable life is to use a credit card year after year after year to pay for “free” public programs.
