Liberals are like the guy who buys a failed restaurant.  It’s failed several time before, but somehow it’s gonna work this time.  Everyone says it ain’t gonna work, but Liberals know better.  And when things inevitably goes south, they respond ‘How were we to know?”

What about the rights of ordinary law-abiding Canadians against these treasonous losers?

The Canadian government is willing to go to great (and presumably costly) lengths to “facilitate” the return of Canadian jihadists, unlike the UK, for example, which has revoked the citizenship of ISIS fighters so they cannot return.
Attempts at deradicalization elsewhere have frequently turned out to be ineffective. In the UK, for example, a new government report shows that the vast majority of deradicalization programs are not only ineffective, but even counterproductive, and that those tasked with executing the programs “…would refuse to engage in topics over fears of bringing up matters of race and religion without appearing discriminatory”
In France, the country’s first and only deradicalization center closed in September 2017 after just one year, without having “deradicalized” a single individual. On the contrary, three participants reportedly behaved as if the center were a “Jihad academy”.